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 Para quem quiser por as marias a jogar!!! G&G "Femme Fatale" Special Edition M4

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Masculino Mensagens : 184
Idade : 41
Localização : Entroncamento
Data de inscrição : 12/03/2010

Para quem quiser por as marias a jogar!!! G&G "Femme Fatale" Special Edition M4 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Para quem quiser por as marias a jogar!!! G&G "Femme Fatale" Special Edition M4   Para quem quiser por as marias a jogar!!! G&G "Femme Fatale" Special Edition M4 Icon_minitimeSeg 25 Out 2010 - 16:01

Para quem quiser por as marias a jogar!!! G&G "Femme Fatale" Special Edition M4 Safe_image.php?d=7ef3bd5ef84bc4dd4aab218beeb5d701&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.popularairsoft.com%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2FAEG_GG_CM_Femme_1_lg

Who says boys get all the fun in airsoft? Girls can too and they can bring the battle to you with this G&G M4 Special "Femme Fatale" Edition that is now on pre-order at Evike.com for US$138.00. Something to gift your wife/girlfriend/mistress this Christmas... "This is G&G's promotional release AEG for those looking for something different on the battlefield. "Shock and Awe" is one way to describe the effect that you will have on your opponents when you show up to a game with this bright gun. It's better than a flash bang! This Limited Edition G&G M4 is surely a conversation piece and definitely a one of a kind collector's item. All of the metal parts are painted in a High Quality Metallic Hot Pink. You can expect the same great detail, quality, and reliability that are standard on all of G&G's guns.


■G&G full metal, fully upgradeable reinforced V2 gearbox.
■Semi / Fully Automatic Firing models.
■Everything is 100% compatible to G&G and Marui series AEG.
■Comes with Special Hot Pink G&G M4 450 round hi-cap magazine.
■Adjustable Hopup.
■6 Position Retractable Crane Stock.
■Removable carrying handle with weaver rail base for scope mounting.
■Adjustable front & rear sight.
■Sling adapters.
■14mm negative threaded barrel.
■High torque long type G&G motor.
■Metal Barrel Assembly, gearbox, buffer tube, magazine, carrying handle, switch, pins....(Most of the parts on this AEG are standard G&G quality parts just like the GR16

■Manufacture: G&G - Combat Machine series / Taiwan
■Dimension: 785 / 885mm Weight: 2800g
■Inner Barrel Length: 363mm
■Gearbox: Version 2
■Range: 120 feet
■Muzzle Velocity: 320-340FPS
■Magazine: 450 rounds G&G Hi-cap magazine. (Use all M4 / M16 series Magazine)
■Package Includes: AEG, Hi-cap Magazine, Cleaning rod and manual.
■Motor: Long Type
■Battery: Small Type (Battery & Charger Not Included.)
■BB: 6mm Airsoft bb. Best with Matrix 0.20 / 0.23 / 0.25g bb."
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Para quem quiser por as marias a jogar!!! G&G "Femme Fatale" Special Edition M4
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